42 Years, A Milestone in our Community Health

Pender Harbour & District Health Centre (PHHC) is celebrating its 42nd year. Your Health Centre is 100% dependent on others for our funding. Our major funders in government are facing financial challenges and seeking ways to maintain or lower their operating costs. PHHC receives rent from tenants and incredible support from the PHHC Auxiliary (Bargain Barn) which help contribute to capital projects and operating costs. PHHC continues to provide many programs that are entirely funded through the Centre such as Seniors and Women’s Health, Healthy Heart, Palliative Care and Youth Clinics. PHHC’s goal is to ensure sustainable funding for these programs as well as future ones the community identifies.

Plan for Our/Your Future

The old saying: “You can’t take it with you!” is most appropriate. However you can create a memorable legacy which includes tax benefits. These include reduction of future estate taxes by immediate charitable gift, pledge or a bequest in your will. We are seeking a sustainable future for your Health Centre. We wish to serve the community in the way you expect including maintaining and developing new health programs funded solely by the Health Centre. We have created an endowment fund within the Sunshine Coast Foundation to ensure a source of funds solely for future health related needs within our community. This preservation of capital graciously donated both recently and in the future will make your Health Centre  “Ours Forever”!

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Donation Total: $100.00

Please note a tax receipt will be issued within two weeks of your donation.