The Pender Harbour Health Centre would not exist without the support of the community…
So where does the funding come from?
PHHC is not fully supported by government the way that Health Authority services are.
While 56% of the budget is funded annually by the nursing contract with Vancouver Coastal Health and an annual grant from the SCRD.
The other 44% of the budget is variable and is funded through donations, grant applications, rent from tenants and a small amount of interest from an endowment fund. This means that $350,000 of the budget can vary and the Centre needs between $100,000 and $150,000 in donations annually to support basic operations.
This means that close to half of the budget is at risk from year to year. Programs like the seniors program, Harbourside Friendships, Diabetes and Chronic Disease management as well as our social work program are funded by donations and grants.
The Pender Harbour Healthcare Auxiliary operates the Bargain Barn which can donate up to 10% of the annual funding. However, in the past year due to the effects of covid, donations from the Auxiliary are at about 1/4 of their normal levels.
Your donations are very important to the health centre – both to ensure we can keep operating, and to help us keep our building in good up-to-date condition.

We have received a Federal grant of $100,000 to go towards the refurbishment of your health centre.
We have also received a grant of $20,000 from the SCRD for building improvements.
This will allow us to make all washrooms accessible and to remove the 30 year old carpeting.
These funds are a great kick-off to increase the safety of patients and staff at the health centre.